Yes or No! Don’t Make Yourself Easy to Ignore
Can I buy you a drink?
Do you come here often?
Would you like to go out sometime?
You need to start to think like a really great salesperson. After all, you’re selling yourself.
Asking a “yes or no” questions is a great way to get shot down before you even get started. Think about it, when you ask a woman a “yes or no” question – all she has to do is say “no.”
“Can I buy you a drink?” – No.
“Do you come here often?” – No.
“Would you like to go out sometime?” – No.
But almost every question can be converted to a statement or, at the very least, a question that requires some thought.
“Can I buy you drink?” – When you’ve finished that, I’d like to have the bartender bring you a drink. What are you working on?
“Would you like to go out sometime?” – Let’s meet at the Arches Restaurant tomorrow at 8 or I can pick you up at your place. Which is best for you?
“Do you come here often?” – It’s a lot more crowded in here than it usually is.
The key is to engage a woman in conversation, not give her a simple way out of conversation with a stranger. Remember: As nervous as you are talking to strange woman, she is just as nervous to talk to you. Made worse by the fact that most nights out for a woman is a night of ninja defense against guys trying to get laid.
Don’t be easy so ignore and don’t sound and act like every drunken fool in the bar.
One of the simplest things to do is to start a conversation with a woman the same way that you would a conversation with a guy; say something about what is going on around you.
Another big note: Don’t oversell it. You don’t have to tell someone about every conquest or how awesome you are or how much money you have. Try just being you. If she isn’t interested in the first five minutes, there is a really good chance she won’t ever be.