
“Nice Shoes. Wanna…?” The Pick-Up Line – The Fast Way to Sleep Alone

“Nice Shoes. Wanna…?” The Pick-Up Line – The Fast Way to Sleep Alone The worst thing guys ever did was to try to make picking up chicks into a formula. “Say this, do this, get laid.” One of our Forum Members recently described old-school pickup artistry as “guys trying to […]

Call-In Details for Nick Sparks Teleconference

As our forum members already know, we have a teleconference with Nick Sparks of “Sparks of Attraction” coming up on Tuesday night (tomorrow night). Many of our members remember Nick from his time spent at Project Chicago, and he has now gone on to NYC where he operates the only […]

Transactional Analysis 3: Gimmicks

Here is the third and final video I mentioned about Transactional Analysis. It explain what a “gimmick” is, and the author’s views about why he thinks it’s more important to focus on our own gimmicks, rather than other people’s games or ulterior motives. Transactional Analysis 3:   If you want to read […]