Our Charter

The Project Chicago Lair is a non-commercial dating, relationship, and sexuality support group for adult men in the Chicagoland area. We seek to help men become more successful in achieving their goals in their sex lives and relationships with women by fostering a community in which men can come together for beneficial discussions of these, and related issues, in an atmosphere that is both honestly critical, yet supportive and non-judgmental, as well as one in which men can form lasting friendships and encourage, advise, and assist one another in finding, meeting, and interacting with women in ways that lead to the fulfillment of their personal sexual and relationship goals.

Within this community, we encourage our members to take an active part in seeking out help with whatever obstacles they face on the way to their goals. While the leadership seeks to foster a positive community, within that community an individual must take initiative to seek out assistance in meeting his needs.

The Project Chicago Lair’s internet chat boards are seen as convenient ways for organizing events, exchanging information, and fostering ongoing discussions. They are not seen as a substitute for going out and interacting with women in real life, which we believe is indispensable for a man to truly improve the quality of this area of his life. Members of The Project Chicago Lair gather regularly to go out and meet and interact with women. Members must be at least 18 years of age, and we recommend being 21 years of age since many of the venues in which we meet require proper state ID.

The Project Chicago Lair operates a public discussion board as well as a private board. The public discussion board serves to schedule monthly events where applicants can meet the members of the private forum. Anyone may attend the monthly events to have fun and network. To be granted access to the private forum, one must be fulfill the criteria for admission which are to be posted on the public forum, and be approved by the Czar of New Members.

Although there is no doubt a great amount of consensus among its members, The Project Chicago Lair does not promote any one particular school of thought in the areas of sexuality and relationships.

The Project Chicago Lair does not condone acts of violence, rape, or abuse of any kind whether sexual, verbal, physical, psychological or otherwise. We strongly condemn any such behavior, and note that such negativity runs absolutely contrary to the principles of being or becoming an attractive man, that is, one who draws others towards him with charisma and charm, rather than a manipulative man, who instead must resort to pushing others to do his will.

The Project Chicago Lair also strongly condemns acts of sex with minors, public intoxication, the use of illegal drugs, and any actions that constitute violations of local laws.

The Project Chicago Lair encourages its members to seek professional help if they believe they may have any addictions, whether to drugs, alcohol, or sex, or any other addiction whatsoever. We also encourage our members to seek psychiatric help in all other cases of psychological problems. While we seek to offer support and encouragement in many areas of a man’s life, we do not provide professional psychiatric help, and cannot be a substitute for such. If the leadership determines that a member has psychological problems and encourages that member to seek help, but he does not do so within a reasonable period of time, or that a member has a history of involvement in illegal activities, or if it is discovered that a member has not disclosed to the leadership important information regarding his past in terms of legal or psychiatric issues, the leadership may expel that member from the group.

Finally, The Project Chicago Lair loves women. We believe that women are sexual beings endowed with their own intelligence and free will, and are responsible enough to make their own decisions in the areas of dating, relationships and sexuality. In light of women’s own sexual nature and relationship goals, we believe it is possible for men and women to interact in ways that are mutually beneficial and win-win, and we encourage our members to strive for these characteristics in all of their interactions with women, whether they are to last for a night or for a lifetime.

© 2006 Project Chicago, Inc.